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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Art for the Heart....Jackson Pollock

Art for the Heart.......
Red and Black Hearts, Jean Hart,*
It's about this time of year I start to think I should be paintings hearts for Valentines.
I gave myself a little challenge to paint for an exhibit called,
"I'm a Fool for Love"
It will be full of hearts and love and lots of emotion.
I came across this painting I did some years ago. It must have been during my Jackson Pollock period.
Viewing Jackson Pollock paintings you would think that he just leaves the paint to fly across the canvas with no real thought to where its going to land.
But, no, he paints with intention and his works are filled with cathartic emotions energy.
His techniques are from dripping, to splattering and pour paint onto the canvas. Sometimes he uses sand or glass to add texture to his paintings. Later his technique came to be known as Action Painting.
For me this technique was very hard. My mind would not let me be that free and my paintings ended up with recognizable shapes.
So today's challenge is to let yourself be free to drip, splatter, and pour.
It is lots of fun.
Be Inspired,

P.S. Some of Jackson Pollocks most famous paintings are: The key, 1946, Number One, 1950 Greyed Rainbow, 1953


  1. Jeanne, I have to say Jackson pollock and Katz do nothing for my soul. BLANK

  2. Dear Jeanne, sending best wishes for a Prosperous 2016
    may you have lots of love, happiness and good health.
    your friend yvonne
