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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love Lives On

Love lives on.. and on....
My husband gave my this beautiful red rose to me last night on Valentine's Day. It is a symbol of our long lasting love. A love that has endured over 34 years.
But it is the card that drew me to tears.
I reads like this:
"I like what we've got.
You just don't find it every day- the love, the chemistry, the comfort that we have together... I know your moods, and you know mine, yet I'm always intrigued by what's going on in your head and in your heart.
Everything about you feels right. It says "home" to me.  It says, "This is where I belong." I love what we've got, because it's all I've ever wanted, and I want it to last forever."
                                 Happy Valentine's Day
Aha, that is all I have to say about love today.
Be inspired,


  1. That is just how I feel about my wife too....but alas she doesn't feel the same.

  2. I am not good at writing much of anything, let alone a book. I just enjoy reading them. That is a a great talent and I hope you do will with your books.
