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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday!!

With all the parties of the season its hard to remember to eat well. It's hard not to eat those cookies, and homemade candies. But just try to remember that not everyday in the month of Dec. is a holiday. If you can manage to eat health whole foods most of the time and save the special foods and sugar goodies to a minimum you will not only feel better but maintain a over all healthy radiance to the holiday season.
The Cauldron,
11" x 14"
Jean Hart,

While healing you must remember nourishment and rejuvenation. Healthy, regular sustenance is important, as symbolized by the cooking pot.
Merry Christmas and Season Greeting.
Be Inspired,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding us that there are other important things going at the time of years beside parties.
