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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mending Heart's

Happy Pink Saturday!!
"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."
 Lin Yutang.

Brownies.....the thing I love about cooking in the kitchen,  is that after its made I find everyone in the kitchen with me. It's a sure thing when I find nothing in life to be that sure.
Picnic's are not always a sure thing...but when they happen they are magical. So, when I find myself away from home doing the unusal I have to remember how special the day is.
What will you be doing today?

Pear acrylic, 11" x 12" $$175, unframed
Shifting; Does anyone else feel it? The weather, the economy, emotions, families, friends, THE WORLD.
THE PEAR. SUCH A HUMBLE FRUIT. Yet it carries with it the healing properties of the heart. I was once told to mend a broken heart one should eat pears, the fruit, the juice, the jam........
I look around me and I feel the shift.  I'm listening to the conversations around me and I am surprised by the reactions people are having to the most common things in their lives. Perspectives are changing. People who have set life long rules for themselves are breaking their own rules. How do you respond to this?
I believe we as a whole are starting to rethink our views on the people around us, on instuitions, on social issues. It's just a HUGE SHIFT.
Be Inspired,

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Rooster and The Frog, acrylic 12" x 12" $150.00 framed
Happy Pink Saturday.....
We just passed the longest day of the year and summer is finally here. I'm loving it.
Bring in the sun,
Bring in the new day,
Bring in new attitudes.
You may not be able to change the past but each day you can change your present and future.
So as long as you're alive, why not enjoy the ride and live your best life?
Live life to the fullest and all that jazz.
Live not just for others but live for yourself.
What is the life you want, where do you want to go, what do you want to do.
I think it's about how you lived and not so much about what you did....
Enjoy it, all of it. good time and bad time and even those boring dull times. Life it up!!
Be Inspired,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Soul Song Sticker from

Soul Song Sticker from
Celebrate Flag Day! 13 Colonies, 13 Stripes, 13% OFF EVERYTHING! One Day Only!   Use Code: FLAGDAYPROMO  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

(4) Jean Hart

(4) Jean Hart
The Rooster and The Frog


12" x 12"


Each day is a new beginning. Say good morning to the sun rise and begin again. You may not be able to change the past but from each morning you can change the present and future direction of your life. Follow your own compass and begin again.

Be Inspired,


Monday, June 11, 2012

(3) Jean Hart

(3) Jean Hart
The feelings of this piece is so still. The word for me was Listen. When you are sitting in silence, that is when you can hear so much of the world around you. Fishing, is a study of  listening. Being still. Can you hear a sunset? A the fish swimming or the water running? It's a great time to listen to your inner thoughts. Hear the soft breeze bring the sound of the a creaking tree. Hear the flap of the birds wings......It's all so calming. It's all so Serene. Peaceful currents from nature. It was a peaceful painting to paint. The colors are relaxing. Listening to your heart which only speaks to you.

Be Inspired,


Houe Boat...Listening

(1) Jean Hart

Boat House, acrylic, 24" x 36 Jean Hart Artwork
There feeling of this piece of so still. The word for me was Listen. When you are sitting in silence, that is when you can hear the so much of the world around you. Fishing, is a study of listening. Being still. Can you hear a sunset? A the fish swimming, or the water running? It's a great time to listen to your inner thoughts. Hear the soft breeze the sound of the tree creaking, the flap of the birds......It's all so calm. It's all so Serene. Peaceful current from nature. It was a peaceful painting to paint. The colors are relaxing. Listening to your heart which only speaks to you.
Be Inspired,

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Intuitive Painting Works in Progress

Intuitive Painting Works in Progress
4th painting in the Intuitive painting style. Working it

Boat House, a work in progress.This style of painting is feeling very much like I feel when I am just meandering. Not sure what I'm looking at and then all of a suden the image appears. Making the painting richer. First you crawl around the canvas and then bump into something. Others colors seem to just be dead ends. Looking around, going in... circles, then I find something dripping with moisture. Meandering. Meandering around the corners to find a resolution to the painting in front of me. There are no wrong paths, take the detours, the peaks, dark spots and just relax and let this painting just unfold. Meander your way through it.

Be Inspired,


Jean Hart

Jean Hart
Work In Progress, intuitive style, "Boat House"
Boat House, a work in progress.This style of painting is feeling very much like I feel when I am just meandering. Not sure what I'm looking at and then all of a sounded the image appears. Making the painting richer. First you crawl around the canvas and then bump into something. Others colors seem to just be dead ends. Looking around going in circles on to find something dripping with moisture. Meandering. Meandering around the corner to find a resolution to painting in front of me. there are no wrong paths, take the detours, the peaks, dark spots and just relax and let this painting just unfold. Meander your way through it.
Be Inspired,

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jean Hart Artwork

Jean Hart Artwork

Jean Hart

Jean Hart

Heart,s Gone Wild

Heart's Gone Wild
acrylic on white watercolor paper
15" x 20"
Unleash!!! Yes sometimes you just have to let it all go!
Unleash your energy and all the creative powers in you that have built up over time.
Stand back, look at what you have brought forward. Break free from the old ways, the rules, the limits. Stop holding back. Unleash the innate intelligence, the boundaries, the limited thinking. What will happen?? My best guess is something wonderful, creative, honest. Watch how the power of this energy continues to move forward and out into the world in a more compassionate way.
Be Inspired,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Jean Hart

Jean Hart click to see my Olive Tree
My Olive Tree

Here's a little story about this Olive Tree.

I wanted an Olive Tree, they are symbols of peace. I know they grow in my area and I wanted one facing the west so I could sit on my meditation bench under the olive tree watching the sun go down at dusk. Kerry felt we already have enough trees and was concerned about the cost of water and who was going to water yet one more tree. Well just the other day, Kerry came in to tell me "We have a Olive Tree growing by the cottonwood trees. Its a volunteer probably dropped by the birds." So I'm thinking, IT'S A GIFT!!! Just to let me know that I am not alone, I am listened to and that I am loved. You could almost say, "Even bird droppings are lucky for me!!"

Jean Hart

This is the story about my Olive Tree, A gift from the birds.
Jean Hart

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jean Hart Artwork

Jean Hart Artwork
.The One You Can't Live Without


monprint original

5" x 7"


by artist

... Jean Hart

This painting was in my show, "Artwork from My Heart", a collection of Artwork and Poems.

The poem that goes with this painting is:

To Be In The Arms Of Love

I have been taken,

numbed, dumbed and stunned

into the arms of love.

Would you kindly turn yourself

inside out and twist

your heart just so

to be in the arms of love.

If you would, could you please

remove all logical thought

and expose yourself emotionally

to be in the arms of love.

Buckle up for the ride of love is intense.

You have no idea how steely

you must be to be in the arms of love.

Jean Hart Artwork

Jean Hart Artwork
Welcom, on this site you will find only my original artwork for sale.
Check back often,
Be Inspired,