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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Midnight Souls

Midnight Souls,
close your eyes, and turn off the lights, look out and see the twinkling stars. Your journey to the deep inside all awaits for you. Where do your Muses lives? Are they floating around you while you sleep? Talk to them, call them out, they wait to hear from you. Let them hold your hand and guide you. Follow their inspiration. Trust your wandering mind, watch how the sky is so active with hope, wishes, and dreams.
Be Inspired,
Jean Hart

Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday.
Let's have a party.

Sassy and Jax have already started on the punch

Yellow sunflowers

my angels are so busy flying around and making things happen., they had to call in help from other angel stations!!! Now that I'm done studying for the Praxis test...I made a huge decision...I'm thinking about just doing art only, all the time as my sole profession......
This was a huge decision to DECLARE.
The idea came to me, right now, as if to say, "This minute, this time, this space in time is yours. Declare  that this is my freedom. This is the only way for me to go." Well I tell you, once you say things out loud, in front of others and to yourself. Things start changing quickly. I DECLARE!!! AS SOON AS I SAID IT PEOPLE STARTED ASKING ME TO PAINT THINGS FOR THEM!!!
I once heard it said that if you can think it you can become it. Words are really that powerful. Choose them wisely, or not at all.

Have a wonderful day, week, month and life. I hope it is the life you declare it to be.
What would you like to DECLARE?
Be Inspired,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I would like to invite you to our new website. Here you will see interesting artwork from international artist..

Monday, July 9, 2012


5" x 9"
Fire, too much, too quickly, too fast. That is how fire is. A lot like emotions that take off in a heated moment. Keeping quiet when your on fire..hard to do. Maybe it's like taking on too much too soon and your feeling like you can't go fast enough.

Well, that's a little bit of the way I'm feeling these days.
Of course, it could be due to the July Full Moon, which has me running around crazy. I'm getting ready for a new exhibit, called, "Elements",  fire, water, air, earth, and Spirit. So this little painting is part of my process. It will go through changes, sizes and elements of its own.
Please enjoy my artwork.
This is my inspiration.
Be Inspired,