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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What is it that you say about your artwork when people ask you???

Tuesday's Message:

ArtsCanyon Art Gallery
Article III
May 3, 2011
Good Morning Follow Artists,

I was only gone five days and look at all that has happened???

Congratulations to all the winners of the Spring Art Show 2011. This was a huge competition and helped us to see how many truly talented artists we have in our ArtsCanyon Art Gallery. I am very proud to be among all of you. Many Thanks to Gilbert for his tireless effort and belief in us and giving us such a professional site to exhibit our fine art artwork.

This week Gilbert has asked the winners to write a little about ourselves and are artwork.

I think that is a great idea for all of us to do.

What is it that you say about your artwork when people ask you???

Do you explain HOW you make it, prepare canvas, brushes, paint mixes, or do you explain WHY you choose this subject.

I think another artist might be interested in how you constructed your painting, but if you want someone to be interested and connected to your artwork they may be more interested in What motivated you to paint it.

I do a lot of conceptual artwork. People have gotten use to my paintings having a deep enlightened meaning within them, the subject, the color, texture ect... But sometimes a flower is just a flower, and when that happens, I listen to how my audience comes to me to imply a meaning. That's fun too!

Just something to think about when you write the story of the painting.

Be Inspired, Be Creative, Be Original, Be You,

~Jean ♥♥♥ :-)
Administrator ArtsCanyon Art Galley

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