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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Transformation, Health Journal

Transformation, health journal
all journeys begin with the first step
For those of you who have just joined me on this journey it may appear that my accomplishments are small and trivial, but to those who know the difficulty of getting back on your feet after injuries will understand my excitement when I say I'm back on my feet.
A back injury changed my life, knee surgery kept me off my feet, heart failure slowed me down,  a pinched nerve made everything hard to do. The journey's not over yet, I'm at level 12 of a 24 level recovery program. However, each day gets better and I am preparing to start a walking program.
The accomplishments sometimes are so small I don't even know how much better I'm doing. Like wearing sandals instead of slippers, not being on ice every hour, bending, walking, and just plain having more energy. I can now drive myself around and shop alone. I painted my own toes. Everything will come back, but it takes time. You can't rush it. Every time I think I'm stronger and do too much it sets me back a little. So, I'm learning my limits and being patient.
Many thanks to all of you who have e-mailed me with your own stories of recovery and encouragement. My heart goes out to you and many blessing for your strength and courage.
Be Inspired,

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