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Monday, September 28, 2009

Come for dinner stay for Dessert

I love Sundays, it's the day I make homemade desserts. With Fall on the way and the evenings getting darker earlier. I was thinking of something warm for dessert.

I had gone to my local dollar store and found a couple of great cookbooks for sale. I sat down and started reading through and found a recipe for Cinnamon Rice Pudding.

Cooking time is 4 1/1 hours So its a good thing I did this on Sunday.

Cinnamon Rice Pudding

1/3 lb ( 150g) round-grain rice

1 1/2 oz. (40g) half-salted butter

2 teaspoons powdered cinnamon

1/3 lb (150g) sugar

8 cups whole milk

2 or 3 sticks cinnamon

  1. Preheat the oven to 480F (125C)

  2. Blend the rice, butter, cinnamon, and sugar in an ovenproof dish, if possible a ceramic one.

  3. Bring the mild to a boil

  4. Pour the mild into the dish. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Bake in the oven for 30 min.

  5. Turn the temperature down to 210-250F ( 100-120C) Place the tray in a larger container with water and bake for 4 hours.

  6. Let it cool completely in the ovenproof dish.

  7. Decorate with a few cinnamon sticks and serve.

This is really easy and it smells so good when it's baking.


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