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Friday, November 12, 2010

Meditation Creations, Breath in

Meditation Creations,
 Since this is my first week, I will start off by introducing myself just a little.
I have practised Transcendental Meditation for 35 years. I do 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. I will not be teaching you this technique simply because I am not professionally trained to do so. But, I will be sharing with you all the things I have read and participated in, in so far as meditation groups and energy healing groups and reading groups I have joined. I am a strong believer in your thoughts can and do shape your reality. I believe you make choices in your life and that life does not just happen to you. I believe if we can open our minds up the answers are within us and I believe there is enough joy, happiness, abundance for everyone.
I am extremely tactile and my home is very textured. I am surrounded by deep rich colors of the earth. My meditation colors are deep purples, forest greens and golds. My essential oils I use are Frankincense, jasmine, chamomile and patchouli. I will be talking and sharing all of this with you as we continue.
My hope is that we all come here and share together. I love hearing what others think and want to share.
For this week, I would like to simply start off by breathing. Most people don't breathe deep enough. I have learned through many classes that everything we do starts with proper breathing.
The easies way to do this and I love that you can do this all day long anytime you want.
Sit comfortable.
First, breathe in through your nose to the count of 5, ..1,2,3,4,5.
Hold your breath for the count of 6..1,2,3,4,5,6.
Exhale to the count of 8...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
Do this 3 times, and all through the day.
Be well,
Be inspired,
Be you.

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