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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

100 Slips of Good Intentions

100 Slips of Good Intentions,

"People will repeat what they think they heard"......
Oh, yes they will. If you ever have to start a conversation with,"Don't tell anyone..." than you should think about not telling anyone yourself.

Twin Wishes, Acrylic, by Jean Hart
 As much as you would like to reveal yourself to the world. Be just a little shy. Revealing too much too soon is risky. Reveal only as much of the story as you are comfortable having the whole world to know. For as much as you wish people could keep your secrets, they don't.
Let your life reveal your truth, let your actions speak loudly and Reveal no secrets you were asked to keep.

That's what journals are for:

Those wonderful secrets that lay deep in my hearts, or those desires and dreams that have not yet come to light.

I start every journal with the first page I write.
"I must have died and passed on to the next life. If I haven't. You are trespassing into my inner most thoughts and I'm owe no one apologies for anything written here that might upset or hurt anyone's feelings"
You have a right to your feelings, your words, whether they are kind and loving or painful. These pages are moments in time when you are at your most authentic. I need that, and I need to know that I don't have to explain them to anyone. They are true to me at that time.
Journaling has helped me work out projects in my life, in creativity, in my space and health. Often I have reread them and felt they were truly a gift to myself.
Out of chaos digital art by Jean Hart
 There are other times when I write with such force and determination and in need of help or guidance. When I write about things that may just be too strong. I will burn these pages and offer them up to the heavens for help. This secures me that I can be as honest and open in my writing and have no fear that someone will come along and read these pages. This too is necessary sometimes.
Reveal yourself to yourself. Be open and honest and forgiving.
Then Release It.

Be Inspired,

1 comment:

  1. Jean, I may take that up. Instead of holding my thoughts buried so deep inside.
    Can a person love someone and disrespect how
    that person lives their life?

    Happy Easter yvonne
