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Thursday, March 10, 2011

What is your favorite part of the day?

What is your favorite part of the day?

I Love the morning, it has so much potential and magic yet to come.
My mornings start early, around 5 - 6 a.m.
I mostly work from home, except for the days I substitute teach and than I'm just up and going.  Luckily for me, my studio is one of the bedrooms I have converted to an art studio. So there's never any excuse why I'm not painting or creating artwork.
But before I go into the studio I spend the first hour in meditation, writing and reading.  Actually this could take anywhere between one hour to three hours. But I'm ready to start the day by 9 am.

Spring Wild Followers
 Getting outside to greet the day is important.  I have learned this mostly from my cats.
They can hardly wait for me to get up so they can go outside and see who's been in their yard!! But I learn that being excited about the new day is pretty cool. Counting my blessings and be grateful is really a great way to begin the day.
With warmer weather on it's way, I'm hoping to do alittle more walking outside......haven't really started that yet.
I wish for you to have a wonderful magic new day.
Be Inspired,


  1. Lovely post. My time is 9 PM to 11PM. I love to play a movie or something that inspires me or makes me sing and just be.

  2. G'eve Jean ~ I so love the morn ... the soft sweet smell of the fresh day beginning anew ... walking in the gardens in communion with God, nature, birds ... having a cup of tea. I could linger for hours ...

    Happy St. Patrick's Day ~
    Have a beautiful eve ~
    TTFN ~


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