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Monday, March 19, 2012

365 Days of living

365 Days of Living.......
Winter has returned just in time to still say its winter....Tomorrow is the first day of Spring~!~! But looking around my house all I see is snow.
Once when I was feeling really snowed in and depressed because winter was lasting much too long, I decided I needed to embrace the snow. So I went outside and made a snow labyrinth. This really was fun to do and  I challenge you to do something creative with the snow in your yard too. I don't see it melting away before spring gets here.
Winter can last until April where I live. Its a time for reading. Its a time to stimulate your brain. I like to check out new magazines that I don't usually read. Just so I don't become bored with the usually ideas.
Here's a magazine I picked up last week, "The Mental Floss, Where knowledge junkies get their fix". Well how could I resist!!! or you can go to mental for their online magazine.
One of the article's I will share is about Hallmarks best selling Mother's Day Card....this card has been a best seller since 1939!!!
Being an artists who turns her canvas artwork into note cards, I found this interesting. What are people buying and buying and buying for over 50 years???
It's the Pansy Card. A sweet little cart filled with pansy's, with a note that reads, "To Let You Know I'm Thinking Of You". What's on the inside , "Pansies always stand for thoughts-at least that's what folks say. So this just comes to show my thoughts are there with you today."
You can bet I will be painting pansies some time soon.
I would never have known this if I didn't pick up a unfamiliar magazine.
"Stimulate your brain. Don't allow  yourself to become bored with life."
this from the little book of 365 ways to energize your life.
Be Inspired,

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