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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meditation Creations

Meditation Creations

What does it feel like to be the words you speak?
Words are so important. So why not speak straight to yourself so that your heart may hear you.
Can you just imagine a woman who refuses to diminish her life so others will feel better!!
When you speak to yourself or others speak and act with you heart. If you dare to speak or act in a negative way, pain will follow. But if you speak pure and clear happiness follows.
Today try to be mindful of being positive in all you say and do. Know that each word and thought has power to create a world you want to live in.
I think it's really fun to look for and take on affirmations I believe in them and I use them daily. Try to find one that fits you.

Be inspired, be safe, be you.

1 comment:

  1. I try to be kind- to others and myself. Sometimes I'm not as nice to me as I would be to you and I have to redirect my thoughts...again...Great post.
