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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm an Artist and I make Books

Welcome all my Pink Saturday Friends,

Taking risks, taking any kind of risk is risky!!! Why is it so hard to step out and take risks. I think it has something to do with the opinion of others. So I'm learning this year to jump out and take a few risks. What's on my risky list....I'm planning to take an "Intuitive" painting class. What is that? Best as I can tell its gonna be and very brave!
It's painting without a preconceived idea. Give yourself an emotion, idea, theme and just start painting. Of course there is no right or wrong way to do this and I'm guessing this work is gonna be very free flowing and abstract. But, I love art and I love creating art, any and all art so I'm going for it. So sometimes doing the hardest thing on earth is to act and think for yourself this little class I hope will let me express myself in my own way.
I'm an Artist and I love to make Books.

Jean with her book "12 Day's of Christmas"
 I love art, all kinds of art and I love writing words to go with my artwork. I now have three books. My latest book, "Imagine, Dreams Do Come True" has just been printed. I use a company online to print my books. They are not sold in stores, but if you would like one I will order one for you, sign it and package it up and send it to you. Contact me at

My first book, "Artwork From My Heart", is original artwork with poems. It had it's debut at the Northeastern Nevada Museum with the Silver Stage Player reciting the poems on their circular stage.

Imagine, Dreams Do Come True
Story and paintings by Jean Hart
This is my Newest Book
The paintings are of strong, empowered women. It's a life journey through word and verse.
For the Month of February, if you leave a comment on my blog your name will go into the treasure box to win a copy of this book.

Be Inspired,


  1. Way to go, Jean! I am jaw-dropped impressed!

    1. Hello Laurie,
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Your in the box!!!

  2. Oh way cool

    I want one
    9941 Thornton Way
    Huntley IL

    Kim Grady

  3. Hello Kim,
    Glad you stopped by.
    Your name just went in the box to win a copy of the book, Imagine, Dreams Do Come True.
    Good Luck,

  4. Would love to win your book .Dreams is my favorite word. Hope you have a pink week end.

    1. Thanks for stopping in,
      Yes, Dreaming is my favorite thing to do.
      Good Luck,

  5. Happy Pink Saturday Jean Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful share today. Not only are we graced with your beautiful books, but I see you smiling back at me today. A gorgeous photo dear friend.

    Please add my name to the drawing. What a joy this book would be to any one of us. I mean after all don't we all love to Dream, and dreams do come true.

    Many hugs dear friend and much love, Sherry

    1. Hello Sherry,
      Wonderful to have you visit.
      Absolutely, your name is in the treasure box.

  6. Inspiring. I am now your follower.

    My PINK, have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Hello Chubskulit,
      Nice to have you hear. Check in often, I blog here a lot, I look forward to lots of intereting conversation.
      Your names in the treasure box.

  7. Your PINK is very pretty!
    thanks for sharing...and HAppy PINk SatURday!

    ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  8. Carmelina,
    Thanks for stopping by, I blog here a lot so your welcome to come back any time.
    Your name is now in the treasure box, to win a copy of my new book, Imagine, Dreams Do Come True.
    Good Luck
