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Sunday, February 26, 2012

100 slips of good intentions

100 Slips of Good Intentions
"I've learned that the greatest challenge of life is to decide what's important and to disregard everything else."

Life's wonderful lessons, grateful they do not end. Someone once asked me, "When do I get to the point when I stop learning lessons?"....You can just imagine what my answer was to that......"At the end of the trail, I imagine."
Everyones always searching for the big day, answer, gift, break, etc.....When really the secret to life, the one you are living now is so easy. Of course, that may be the problem. Stop resisting!!! Isn't it wonderful how you don't have to tell the sun to come up, or the birds to sing or now really stay with me here, tell your heart to beat!!!  Your brain takes care of that for you.  Don't you think its time to go with the flow, ride the tide, seat back and take a deep breath. Take time to research yourself and find out what you truly like to do.
What is your bliss? No, not a simple question, I know. But this year. While I have more time on my hands then usual, my bliss is experimenting with different art techniques.
I call them my healing painting. They have nothing to do with commissions, or exhibits, or even trying to display and sell them.......MY BLISS....IS TO CREATE.
Be Inspired,
Be Creative,
Be You,

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