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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day, Not Just Another Day

Happy Leap Year!!!!!! An Extra Day all day long......
I just want to celebrate another day of living......isn't there a song like that,....

Yes that will keep me tapping all through the day.......this very cold, windy, snowy day.
Life is for living, and to celebrate I have flowers for all of you,
They're wild flowers, for you should let your spirit run just a little wild today.
Today you should eat yummy treats.....forget that diet, forget the scale and forget all the I shouldn't, I can't, I wouldn't, blah, blah, blah.
Just one bit then.......
Go fishing, take the day off.......don't tell anyone I said that.....but truly go outside, feel the wind, the sun, the rain....even the snow.
If there's lots of snow make a snow labyrinth.

Did you know...that according to folklore, Women get to propose marriage on this day, but, of course, nowadays ladies can propose all year if they want to. .....Lady's if your wanting to get married to that special one, it's okay to ask today......but I warn you, that first anniversary is a long wait.......if you marry on a leap year.
Have fun with this day, enjoy it, and be spontaneous.
Be Inspired,


  1. Jean,
    Today I leaped over My Dr. Appr. I waited 2 months for. I am just afraid to drive 3 hours to him in a storm warning. Maine is suppose to get 10 inches tonight and Tomorrow. Glad I made the leap.
    Thanks for the advice, making browine cookies..

  2. Yvonne,
    I hope all went well and your being helped. I too must drive in a Storm tomorrow 3 to Twin Falls for my weekly appt. Storms are nothing to mess with.
    I would love a brownie and a cup of coffee, please.
