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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Aroma Therapy

Remember, You Rock!!!
Sometimes when you start making New Years Resolutions you start filling in the the pages with all the things you think you need to change.  It's hard to remember that you ROCK  already. The new list is for you to add to and improve not to make you feel bad about yourself.
So start that list with this thought  in mind.
you have talents and ideas that are unique to you,
You touch many peoples life, so be kind,
You are loved and you love others,
Your choices are limitless, choose wisely,
Try something New this year.

Day 2
Aroma Therapy,
Essential much fun to experiment with.
for a quick energy boost, the best oils are peppermint, cypress, eucalyptus, spearmint, or geranium . Essential oil are NOT ingested they are for inhaling deeply, place a few drops on a tissue and inhale. Or pour a few drops on palm, rub and inhale and rub on to hair..
You can find them at more health stores, ask question, experiment and have fun with them.
I have Incorporated them into my ritual when I meditate.

I took a brain test!!!! And think it's pretty COOL!!!

AS IT turns out I am a "visionary and self sufficient Green Brainier, who values knowledge and efficiency..........Yes I Like This,
Here is where you can take the brain test too. Inspired,

~Jean Hart

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