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Monday, January 23, 2012

We cannot live for ourselves alone

We cannot live for ourselves alone
We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.
- Herman Melville
I have barely gotten home from my trip to Idaho, when I was drawn into my sons need for help. He made a short film about my life as an artist, although that is not the important part of this story. This story is about how we cannot live for ourselves alone and how we all need one another to make our lives what we want. He asked if I could help get the word out about his film, "his film", that is what this story is about. His dream to make films. Being a mom, of course I would. I worked tirelessly at the computer, tweeting, face booking and I even unbeknown to me joined a singles site and started blogging there too. OOPS....not single....sorry about that guys...nice to know I still got it...but had to cancel out as soon as the "lets get together" started!!!
My part is done now and I'm happy to say it all went well, and Matt got many people to see his film.
Sometime when your regular routine is interrupted it's hard to get back on track. Something I have learn to do to get myself centered again is to read poetry. For me it is a learned reading, many times I would read and not understand what the author wanted to say. But now I read slower, I think about the words and I try to paint a picture of what they are trying to say. So this very afternoon I found myself going back to the poems and here is what I read today.

Empty Branches

In the cold hard light
of winter,
no roof of leaves
to shelter my steps,
I wander the garden
with a shadow
that seems too thin.
Without you here,
I've grown smaller.
I've entered a place
that spins around itself
like wind in empty branches.
Come home, let there be us,
catch me in your embrace.
by Tom Spencer

I would love to read a peom you have found inspiraring.
Be Inspired,
Jean Hart

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