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Sunday, February 5, 2012

What's your Motto???? 365 days to you

What's your Motto.....????
2012 Black Water Dragon
 It's February!!!
The Dragon is a tough task master, yes, she can be playful, carefree, spontaneous, but do not for one minute think she is not here to push as along.
What is your Motto?
This is not an affirmation, it's a statement of who you are.It is a word, phrase, or sentence chosen as expressive of the goals or ideals you believe in.
My Fire Breathing Dragon possess unbelievable strength, she reaches out to make  changes and she's here to remind me I'm a little Hottie. Yep, you heard her!!!
My Motto for my fine art business is;
Fine Art For The Finer Things In Life.
This year for myself I will be picking 3 Motto's to help remind me who I am.
1. Be Brave and Adventurous
2. Bring the magic
3. I'm living my imagination
Make them fun, real and something you believe in.
Be Inspired,
Be Creative,
Be You,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jean,

    As we enter into the black water dragon year i've been floored by my shadow self that's present. She's dark, deep and mysteriously beautiful... A side of me I've been frightened of for a long time! This is the year she busts out of the cave and brings all of her beauty and talent to the world... without apology I'm using fierce fire breathing determinantion to embrace my Inner Goddess in all things.
